Wednesday 21 March 2007

*Wow* first cyber contact

Hhahhaha eeeyyyyy people I have A COMMENT! Someone from out there wished me good luck with my blog. Now? I didn't have the time to customize it according to my taste, i am still using the program's offered templates for God's shake! What people would think of me?..Because i have seen you know? ...I 've been out and about to some blogs and some of them are really made up !!
I am just wondering, you know (personal joyable hobby) I so damn lazy or other people they do anything else apart from blogging?..Only time will i suppose in three months time if blog is still the same probably means it didn't have the same significance to me to write,archive,read,design my blog as it has for other people...However somewhere I ve read this
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."
I have to go I am going to see the "300" yeah the blockbuster...Leonidas triumph..Hope it's nice

1 comment:

par-i-saktos said...

gia sou. eida to sxolio sou sto blog mou kai eipa na se episkeftw...kali arxi sou euxomai, elpizw na sinexiseis na grafeis kai na mirastoume skepseis kai ebiries eite apo vivlia, eite apo tainies i otidipote...

PS. giati den afineis anonymous comments?